Department of Agricultural Economics


Graduate level Department of Agricultural Economics major study topics are; agricultural industry management, marketing of agricultural and food products, cooperation, natural resources economics, agricultural financing, rural development, rural tourism, agriculture and food policies, agricultural extension, agricultural communication, entrepreneurship, rural sociology.

The main institutions that Graduates of Agricultural Economics department can work as administrator, practitioner or researcher are; Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Agricultural Banking sections of public and private banks, agricultural research institutes, rural development agencies, agriculture departments of private insurance companies, Agricultural Credit Cooperatives, Producer Unions, Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions, Agricultural Extension and Consultancy Service Units, Chambers of Commerce, Commodity Exchanges, Chambers of Industry, Exporters' Associations, General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, chambers of commerce, commodity exchanges, industrial chambers,   exporters' associations, professional organizations (Union of Chambers of Agriculture), companies engaged in production and marketing of agricultural pesticides, fertilizers, fodder, seeds and in foreign trade of agricultural products.